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In the previous article we spoke of the pains and tribulations that man goes through. These could lead man toward a lot of happiness and blessings which many do not realize. Through pain, one realizes God’s strength which supports him. Thus, he is set free from fear and all sorts of misconceptions that entrap his mind, as well as from depending on others.
Not all human beings experience the same degree of pain. Also, some pains are explicit, while others are implicit. Even those who seem senseless might be going through the worst type of pain. Here, a question pops into one’s mind, “How does each person deal with pain?” The way you deal with your pain either makes you influential or marginalizes you. Some people reject it and become depressed, whereas others invest it to succeed.
According to the great poet Tagore, “We should know that pain has more to do with us than the outside world. We can benefit by it. Even more, we can change it to bliss.” Charles Dickens emphasizes this idea by saying that pain is the best lesson. It marks the great difference between humans. It is maker of the great.
So, be sure that you can overcome pain and transform it to a great achievement. Victor Hugo, the great poet and novelist, maintains, “God allows pain only to boost your abilities which help you convert it to success and achievement.” Thus, pain can make you a true landmark. Tawfiq al-Hakim maintains, “Nothing makes us great as much as great pain does.” There are many examples of great people who overcame pain, such as, Helen Keller, Louis Braille, Beethoven, Taha Hussein, and so on.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt changed pain to energy. At the beginning of his life, he suffered from polio. In 1921, he got paralyzed and secluded himself for three years. Yet, he returned to political life and became the Mayor of New York for four years: 1928-1932, then the president of the United States of America. At that time, the country was going through the hardest of times: for economic recession prevailed. Roosevelt, however, was able to save the country from that abyss, leading it for three consecutive terms on a wheel chair, and dying at the beginning of the fourth term. Not only do the Americans, but the whole world remembers him as the greatest of the U.S. presidents.
Do not fear pain, then: for great people are its fruit. To achieve great happiness, you should struggle with great pain through which you will see the greatness of God’s love for you.
General Bishop
Head of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center
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