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In the previous article we tackled some important principles that should govern human relations, like equality, love, respect, treating others as you want them to treat you, understanding their points of view, and having positive thoughts and initiative toward them. Another important component of human relations is their freedom.
It is said, “Nobody likes bonds, even if they are made of gold.” The freer man is in his relation with others, the more comfortable and positive he becomes. Thus, human relations make it imperative that love, respect, and understanding be there. Yet, they also make it imperative that a person know that others have free stances and choices. Jean Jacques Rousseau says, “The worst thing in human relations is that one feels he is under the other’s control.” Hence, he feels his freedom was stolen, which leads to violent counter reactions. Even if the person does what is wanted from him, he will either repeat his actions or try to stop dealing with the others. This has nothing to do with work or study duties, but with family, friendship, colleagueship, and other relations.
Yet, we have to understand that because some people do not confide in themselves, nor, in turn, in others, they consider compliance love and following, which might not be true. In fact, good human relations have two components, namely, confidence and freedom. In the story of “Red Riding Hood”, the girl wanted to befriend the little monster and gave him all sorts of personal and social care. Yet, she did not offer him freedom by opening the window: either leaving or staying. On the other hand, the monster felt his freedom and will were stolen. Also, we get to know that he returned on his own accord when he felt the importance of what the girl offered him in a cold night.
Offer others your love and care, giving them the freedom to choose and act. Love is very beautiful when it stems from human’s heart and free will. Do not grieve if people remember you at times of need only, for God sees and appreciated what you do and rewards you on earth and in heaven.
General Bishop
Head of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center
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