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HG Anba Ermia, General Bishop and head of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center delivered on Wednesday, March 8, 2017 a sermon about St. Pope kyrillos at the vesper prayers held in the mill “ElTahona” in Old Cairo, on his 46th Departure anniversary and 4th anniversary of recognizing him as a saint.
Anba Ermia, said that the relics of Pope kyrillos VI 116th patriarch of the Coptic Orthodox church remains intact and haven’t decomposed like all other relics of normal people”
He added that the pope departed inside his cell in the old St. Mark Cathedral in Klot Bek, and the last word he uttered before his death: “The Lord scheme your life”
He pointed out that the pope door was always open for visitors and he is known for his concern in the modesty of worshipers and people used to visit him wearing formal clothes with long sleeves.
After the departure of Pope Kyrillos ، on March 9, 1971, his relics was buried under the large cathedral of Anba Royce, until Pope Shenouda III, was elected as Pope and he opened his cell and found his bequest to be buried in St. Mina monastery.”
He pointed out that after they founded his body intact, late Dr. Yousef Mansour, former secretary of the popes brought a hearse to transport the body to the monastery in Mariot, the hearse broke down so the pope lovers gather and carried his body and paraded it from Ramsis St. to the Old Cathedral.
He continued: “A senior doctor at that time, Dr. Joseph Joachim wrote acertificate that exist under St. Pope Kyrillos shrine in St. Mina monastery that confirm that the relics that did not decompose.”
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