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To God:
I do not know how my words can reach You; they are weak and faint so much that they would hardly get out due to a hard pain that is torturing our hearts. I write my message to You; firmly believing that You are listening to my words that carry all the emotions of pain and sadness over a world that is degrading from the beauty of its creation to the path of destruction it consciously chooses; from a true human image that is created in the utmost beautiful image to another with no features to recognize but cruelty.
How hard are those times in which we go through successive events that made us sick at heart! :killing innocent people in a church or a mosque or those of who are fulfilling their national duty; attempts to spread sadness and pain in our country in an age in which we should have worked and dreamt collaboratively to offer our children a paved path for their coming achievements. Suddenly, instead of hope they have found pain and horrible death instead of honorable life.
You appointed us, o God, to be responsible for preserving, beautifying and erecting the universe. However, humans have gradually forgotten such role they were created to fulfill. Indeed, You grant humans freedom to choose the features of their path in life: to make it full of the beauty of goodness or the ugliness of evil, to make it flourishing and prosperous or barren and unfruitful, to be a source of hope or a killer of dreams.
I believe that each will be hold accountable for each second he lives and for what it was spent: light or darkness; or rather goodness or evil. Each of us will be hold accountable for this image of love, mercy, cordiality and humanity that God wanted us to obtain and for what we did about it.
You still are and will forever remain close to us, O God; unlike what some claim that you are so distant! You, glory be to Your name, know our sorrows and pains; our hopes and dreams. You still are the Almighty whose orders cannot be waivered and who controls our whole lives. Your goodness still fills many hearts; though seem little amid the turbulence of life.
Thus, I pray to You, to send Your peace to immerse the world in as we are in dire need for it, to grant hope to people amid such violent events they witness, to let goodness shine on our lives and souls; so that darkness is dispersed and we can go everywhere carrying goodness to everyone; hence the world will illuminate out of the beauty of humanity which you created in us. Please, God, grant comfort and patience to the pained hearts and the distressed souls. Your greatness can fulfill our weakness, Your power can support us and Your love can be spread in the whole world no matter how the powers of evil are trying to hide them!
General Bishop
Head of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center
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