Beautiful Egypt 97 – « The Fruitful Land» March 8, 2015
In the previous article, we tackled the conquest of Alexandria as well as reconciling with the cities of Ikhna, Belheeb,...
In the previous article, we tackled the conquest of Alexandria as well as reconciling with the cities of Ikhna, Belheeb,...
Last time we spoke of school of pain and its life lessons. We also tackled the issue of comfort...
كثيرًا ما نسعد أو نتألم من أجل معاملات البشر لنا. وكثيرًا ما يَحار الفكر ويتوقف أمام تصرفات الآخرين ومواقفهم نحونا....
كثيرًا ما نسعد أو نتألم من أجل معاملات البشر لنا. وكثيرًا ما يَحار الفكر ويتوقف أمام تصرفات الآخرين ومواقفهم نحونا....
In the previous article, we tackled Heraclius’ disapproval of the terms of treaty with Amr bin al-‘As and his banishing...
Nothing makes us a great people except a great pain; immortal, encouraging words by the great writer "Tawfiq...
It is said if success makes you haughty, then you have not succeeded; and should failure fill you...
Do excuse us: as we have to pause for a while. It is high time we connected Egypt’s present with...
Power that is real indeed springs from within humans, never inspired by circumstances that may come their way. In...
Now that both our nation and our Church are going through a shocking confrontation with such horrifying atrocities that left...