A previous article tackled the City of Peace “Jerusalem” during the days of Jesus Christ and how the land was groaning under the harsh and described as savage and morally corrupted Roman Rule. Alongside this, it mentions the spread of various ideas and philosophies and an intense conflict between the Jewish sects and factions, to the extent that Lord Jesus has described them as “sheep with no Shepherd”. Therefore, the spiritual shepherds of Israel rights deserved the rightly deserved woes pronounced by Lord Jesus and the “City of Peace” heard His words:” “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the one who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her! How often would I have gathered your children together, even as a hen gathers her chickens under her wings, and you would not! Behold, your house is left unto you desolate.”
Then the City of Peace witnessed the betrayal of Judas, the disciple, who handed over His teacher, Lord Jesus, to the chief priests in exchange for thirty pieces of silver, followed by the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. The first Christian church in the world was established in the City of Peace. The disciples preached Christianity while the Jews of Jerusalem persecuted the Christians to the utmost. The blood of the first Christian martyr “St. Stephen the deacon” was shed them and many other martyrs and great persecutions followed. The Jews were ruled by Agrippa, son of Aristobulus “the brother of Archelaus, Herod’s son” who was also called Herod.
During the reign of Agrippa. Tiberius, the successor of Augustus creaser, passed away. Tiberius began his reign by displaying humility; declaring himself unworthy of governing the nation. But as soon as he ascended the throne his arrogant and violent personality was unveiled. People detested him and wished to rid of him so much that he secluded himself in an island near rom for fear of people’s wrath. Tiberius turned this island to a tomb, due to his love of bloodshed and tyranny. Whenever he wanted to rid of any one, he would summon them to the island and order their execution or drowning. He continued this way of life till a prince rose against and murdered him in 37 AD. Therefore, Herod built the city of Tiberius on the sea of Galilee to commemorate and honor his name. The most significant event during the reign of Tiberius was the Crucifixion, Death and Resurrection of Lord Jesus Christ.
Tiberius was succeeded by Caligula, his son, who was born in the name of Gaius in honor of Julius Caesar, then he was titled as Caligula. At the beginning of his reign , he was known for his good conduct, firmness and wisdom. But he suffered from a severe illness that brought him close to death. After his recovery, eh turned into a different person. His heart became full of wickedness and his deeds became full of savageness. It was said that he was a savage person, enamored with himself and extremely evildoer. He surrounded himself with a retinue and entourage of corrupt and evil individuals. He became a bloody ruler who murdered anyone in the roman senate who disagreed with him. Caligula ordered the Jews to erect a statue of him in Jerusalem. When they refused, he persecuted them severely along with Christians even to the point of death. His end came at the hands of one of the princes of his palace in 41 AD.
Then Claudius became Caesar for 14 years then he was succeeded by Nero who burnt Rome and accused the Christians for burning it and severely persecuted them. He ordered the crucifixion of St. Peterthe Apostle and beheading of St. Paul the Apostle Josephus said about him, “He was more infamous than those before him; he commanded the people to call him a god, to swear by his name and to build altars all over his kingdom to offer sacrifices to him!!!”
Speaking of al-Quds still amazes us for stories in Beautiful Egypt can never end!
General Bishop
President of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center