On Tuesday, October 30, 2018, the Church of Saint Virgin Mary of the Syriac Orthodox Church in Cairo organized a farewell party for Kyrillos Massoudi, the pastor of the Church and the Patriarchal Vicar of the Antioch See in Syria for the Syriac Orthodox, on the occasion of the end of his service in Cairo.
Their Grace Bishops Mousa, the Bishop of Youth, Bishop Ermia, Bishop Makary, the Bishop of South Shoubra, Bishop Angelos Bishop of North Shoubra, Bishop Marcus, the Bishop of Hamamat al Qobba and members of the Syriac community in Cairo participated in the celebration which was held in the Church of Saint Virgin Mary of the Syriac. In addition to the presence of more than 25 priests of the Orthodox Church, students of the Clerical College, and the MP Mohammed Abu Hamid.
The ceremony started with Vespers prayer, then, His Grace Bishop Mousa gave a speech, in which he expressed his love for the Syriac Orthodox Church, which is deemed a sister church of the Orthodox Church. He then spoke about Father Kyrillos Massoudi, who was in constant contact with him and participated in all the celebrations.
After the end of the speech of Bishop Mousa, Ibram Lewis and Tony Kadri, the two representatives of the Festival of the University Families of the Archbishopric of Youth, presented a certificate of thanks and appreciation and a bouquet of flowers, presented by Bishop Moussa together with the servants for the participation of Father Kyrillos and his presence in the festival events along the previous years.
His Grace Bishop Mousa said that the name Kyrillos is linked to the Egyptian Coptic Church and that Father Kyrillos had a strong relationship with the late Pope Cyril VI, while His Grace Bishop Ermia added that Father Kyrillos Massoudi was a regular visitor of the monasteries of St. Mina at Misr al Qadima and King Marriot.
In his speech, Father Kyrillos Massoudi expressed thanks to all the attendees; the father bishops, the father priests and the congregation for their love and organization of the ceremony. He spoke about his relationship with Bishop Raphael, the Bishop of Central Cairo Churches, who has always come to the Church to express felicitations on different occasions.
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