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He returned from work after a long, hectic, not different from the rest, though. However, he was pained from within for a reason he did not know. In fact, nothing frustrating had happened to him throughout the day.
During all that tumult, he recalled a piece of news which he read on the day before. It was about a friend of his who won an international award for human service. Only then, he remembered that they trod the same path and heard a voice echoing in his head, “Where have your dreams gone? Did you make your life? Or did it make you?”
Some people are able to choose their path and decide their destiny, while others are too afraid to take the first move. They stand still, while the rest keep progressing: for they continue learning from life as long as they live, try, err, and succeed, believing that life is gift and worth living.
Someone says, “I am equally proud of my achievements and failures”, believing that all the efforts he exerted are no waste. He also knows that failures gave him experience and broadened the scope of his thinking. Moreover, he tries to enjoy all sorts of experiences he goes through without despair or frustration and keeps trying new, creative solutions for everything.
A wise man once said, “Certain situations made me alert. In fact, they remade me. There were certain relations from which I expected a lot, but they gave me little. Also, certain lessons benefited me a great deal.” Let, thus, all the situations you go through influence you positively: for they can exalt you indeed. Let them be your real treasure which no one can snatch from you. Your experiences, perseverance and ability to learn and work are all yours. Nobody can influence you but you. The road that leads to you is you and what you allow others to do.
General Bishop
Head of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center
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