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In the previous article, we spoke of the barriers that man builds between him and God. These make him lose happiness and peace, for it is said that whoever clings to God wins everything; yet whoever has everything and does not dwell with God has nothing. Thus, man has to seek God’s help to be able to demolish such barriers.
Other barriers are those which man builds between him and his self. In effect, he fails to recognize his true potential, which makes him build impassible borders. Thus, he loses lots of opportunities. Here, it is worthy to recount the following story:
While a lady and her daughter were crossing a tunnel, they saw a truck trapped at its end due to its height. The truck was surrounded by policemen and firemen who were too perplexed to act. Suddenly, the little girl told her mom, “I can tell them how to release the truck!” Surprised enough, the mother answered, “That’s incredible!” But the little girl hurried to the policeman and told him that the truck could be moved. “How?” asked the man. “By emptying the tires!” The man was amazed. Yet, he did what the girl told him and the problem was solved and the girl rewarded.
The story teaches us that man sometimes builds a barrier between his self and potential. Thus, he never gives it another try if he fails once. This is what makes the difference between great people who keep trying to reach their goals, bearing in mind they are talented enough to make it, and ordinary ones who stop at the first failure.
Another barrier is being preoccupied with the present: whether with its happiness or misery, heedless of the future. One day, a great king asked his minister to write down a phrase which makes the happy sad and vice versa. The wise minister returned with the following phrase, “This time will pass.” Indeed. So never plan your future according to your past, but on prospects of great good, and achievement of lofty goals that bring about prosperity to everybody. In fact, when we go to eternity, we shall be escorted by the good which we had offered and which will be the source of our permanent joy and rest.
General Bishop
Head of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center
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