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It is almost 12:00 a.m. The New Year is pretty close. How quiet the atmosphere is! Everybody is looking at the clock which minutes are ages for some. He was then thinking of his life. How fast it has passed! It might end soon, only for him to give an account of his deeds. Yet, the silence is suddenly interrupted by New Year cheers, and he gets up to consider how to start a new year.
During this time of year, some people’s thoughts remain the same. They do not change. Nor do they improve. Thus, the new beginning becomes moving from old to old! Why don’t we start the New Year with renewed thoughts which can lead us to more happiness?
Here, it is worthy to recount the following story: One day an ugly lady entered a lawyer’s office. She was stout. Her face was not just ugly; it was scary. No sooner had she entered, than all lawyers left. Only a young woman stayed, as she had to meet the lady, uneasy though. The lady started to talk, saying, “I know how you feel, but judge me not by my appearance. I got married pretty late: for men fled my sight. It was my neighbor who brought me that suitor, a widower with four children. He had two conditions. First, I had to serve his children. Second, I should not claim my rights as a wife. I consented. For long years, I took care of his children lovingly. So much so that they felt I was their mother. I also felt they were my children. At that time, my husband’s business flourished. He made a fortune. He started to love and appreciate me exceedingly. A while ago, he died, leaving me his great fortune. His children never objected to this. Now, I have come to restore their property to them!
As she was concluding her story, the lady produced the documents which proved it. Silence overwhelmed the place, only to be interrupted by the girl’s words of love and admiration, “Won’t you keep something to sustain you at least?” “It is enough that my children love me. Also, I trust that God will never forsake me. He will protect me.” Thus, the lady did what she wanted, having won everybody’s appreciation.
Never judge people according to their appearance: for appearances are deceptive. Some people seem sweet; yet, they are cruel. On the contrary, some look ugly, but are beautiful at heart. Some hard circumstances lead you to great and joyful ends, and the opposite is true. So, with the beginning of the New Year, think of making it one of profound thinking in which you see people and things around you wisely and justly. Do not judge by appearance, but with justice.
Happy New Year!
General Bishop
Head of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center
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