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You can never choose the way or the day you die. You can only choose the way you live. According to Gibran Khalil Gibran, “You were created to live…” As people live, they seek happiness which secret is love. You cannot be happy if you seclude yourself from others. Rather, it is true love for others that fills you with joy. Even virtues cannot be considered virtues, if they are void of love, writes reposed Pope Shenouda III.
Love is pain’s best remedy and troubles’ best solution. It unlocks the gate of giving and sharing: for love is not synonymous to controlling others’ lives. Rather, it helps them live freely and shape their own destinies. Love annuls evil and envy, replacing them with understanding. A sage says, “If you replace love with wealth, you will be despised.” We also read, “And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.”
Love is not a feeling that can be standardized. It is an ideology that you treat others through, believing they have the right to live and be happy. That you do not love God and people anymore, or speak evil of an ex-friend means you were never sincere: for love is a great value.
Sometimes, you offer love, but find nothing in return. Even worse, you might be repaid with evil. Do not regret it. God knows all your deeds. He is fully aware of your motives and feelings, and will reward you according to all of them. Love incessantly. Do not face evil with evil, for this increases sin and expels goodness. Do not put out fire with fire, but with water. Love has its outcomes, like… we shall continue…
General Bishop
Head of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center
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