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During our lifetime, we encounter all sorts of people. Some of them are purely human from within and from without, whereas others are disguised as humans! Yet, this is no justification for forfeiting your own humanity. Rather, the purpose of difference in dispositions is to gain more wisdom. So, be civilized with everybody, sociable with many, close to few, a friend of one, and an enemy to none.
Gibran Khalil Gibran says, “A false friend is like a shadow; he follows you in the sun, and abandons you in the dark.” A person disguised as a human being is close to others at times of prosperity. Yet, he forsakes them when they are in trouble. On the other hand, a true human helps you in your tribulations, expecting nothing in return. You should never let go of such people, lest you lose diamonds as you are busy collecting stones!
Fake people deceive you with sweet words; but they get toxic when you differ. Never judge a person with your ears. Do not trust him until situations prove his sincerity: for confidence is a building which can never be rebuilt, if it collapses. William Shakespeare says, “We need to differ with people in order to know what their hearts conceal. Sometimes, we find them worthy of respect, and sometimes they are frightening.” A trust-worthy person keeps others’ secrets. He never speaks ill of them, and concentrates on their bright sides.
In life, we are but travelers. During our journey, we meet many: to find happiness with some, and pain from others. So, let us be wise when we choose who to befriend. Also, let us not regret meeting any person: for the good make us happy, the bad give us experience, and the worst are lessons.
General Bishop
Head of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center
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