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Many a time do we hear people depicting the value of things. They use superlatives: the most beautiful, the costliest, and so on. Here, it is worthy to contemplate Gibran’s words, “Do not make your clothes the most precious thing about you lest you become, someday, cheaper than what you wear!” So, what is man’s most precious attribute? What are the things which, if owned, make man becomes precious or, even more, invaluable?
Man’s worth resides in his heart, not property. An honest person is simply invaluable. Not only is he honest at work, but in interpersonal relations, opinions and stances. According to Tagore, “Beauty is honesty.” Thinkers and philosophers agreed that honesty is the attribute of the sincere who never forsake their friends. So, beware lest you hurt them: for they will suffer exceedingly. An honest person gives a lot, expecting nothing in return. He suffices to the comfort he feels when he helps others.
The loving person is also a rarity. Mother Theresa says, “The worst type of hunger is feeling you are unloved, uncared for, and unremembered. This is worse than starvation. Each time you smile to a person, remember this is love, a gift, and a beautiful thing.” How beautiful unconditional love is! It eases man’s pain, gives him support, and helps him move toward success.
Peaceful people are also precious pearls: for they spread their peace amongst others. Indeed, as wars dominate the world, a dire need for peace continues to grow, resulting in an outcry that reaches peacemakers’ ears; so they reconcile people to one another, implanting love and fraternity.
A heart of gold is man’s worthiest asset!
Money and authority vanish, leaving you none but this heart… Let it be your treasure which makes you and others very rich indeed!
General Bishop
Head of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center
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