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Life is a series of strength-giving experiences. We all need encouragement when we fail, confidence when we are betrayed, and wisdom to sail through life. These are the sources of strength that help us survive. It is believed that the lesson which life repeats is “look under your nose”, for the best source of experience is more obvious than you might think. So, never look afar!
Among man’s sources of strength are his God-given talents and capacities which lie deep within him. So, he has to utilize, and keep developing them throughout his life. In fact, creativity and innovation start from man’s heart. Whenever he stumbles or goes through tribulation, he discovers them, and, thus, moves toward success. Man surrenders to his reality, yet remains confident in God’s gifts and uses them.
Values and principles are other sources for strength. Cling to them, especially at times of tribulation. A Few days after Germany was defeated in World War II, and as a man was standing at the train station and trying to violate the queue, a lady stopped and told him, “We were defeated, our cities destroyed, youth killed, and girls raped, but we never lost our ethics. We shall rebuild Germany with those ethics. So, go back to your place!” Indeed, building an unshakable edifice starts by clinging to ethics and values. Never does the role of honesty, diligence, and perseverance end. Ethics never fail, for they are the rules of life. According to great Laureate Ahmed Shawqy,
Nations are made by ethics steadfast
If ethics pass, nations are part of the past.
He also writes, “If people’s ethics are corrupted, then do count them dead.”
Do not make life’s tribulations shake your values or your confidence in them. Be sure that, eventually, whatever is correct shall prevail.
The best source of strength, however, is clinging to God. Seek God’s guidance and abide by His teachings and commandments, such as, love, mercy, and honesty. Be sure that God is all good and loving; He is the unshakable fortress. This will fill you with security, confidence and strength.
General Bishop
Head of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center
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