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You might sometimes brood sadly and say, “Nothing is going the way I want. I don’t know how to make it. People never change. Nor do conditions. I am hopeless…”
A major challenge that man encounters is trying to change the world according to his views, dreams, and wishes in order to succeed. Yet, life does not go this way. Instead of trying to change the world, learn how to accept it. To succeed, you have to rise above the world. However, accepting the world does not mean being convinced of all its concepts. Rather, it means perceiving and understanding the reality, enduring all its hardships in order to achieve your goals. Here it is worthy to clarify some points:
– Moving toward success and achievement starts by embracing the potential of reality, no matter how weak and inefficient it might be. Believe in the good you strive to attain, and have stamina.
– Leo Tolstoy said that everyone wants to change the world, but no one wants to change himself. So, do not try to change the world. Rather, start by changing yourself to the person you want to be. Only then you can influence others.
– The best way for changing and impacting the world is love and being a role model. If you are a good role model, people will follow you as you will enlighten their path through your deeds, not only your words. You will attract them toward modifying their ideas, behavior, and, in turn, their lives. Also, the more loving you are, the more easily you can change others.
– Do not despair. Have confidence in your God-given talents and potential. Use them in getting up whenever you stumble. In fact, the most common way that makes people abandon their strength is believing that they have no strength at all. Trust your skills and strengths in order to leave a mark on life.
General Bishop
Head of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center
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