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Though it is easy to know people’s real dispositions, you can hardly know yours. How challenging! Man can easily play the judge, teacher, and adviser of others’, believing he can easily evaluate their deeds and emerge with clearly defined conclusions. On the other hand, he views himself from a very narrow perspective, thus, he cannot see his real disposition. Therefore, as you judge or teach others, mark the following:
First: Love and Judgment
Love and mercy are the greatest laws by which humanity should abide. Through love and mercy, you can win others over. Unlike judgment and violence, love begets good fruit. In the Bible, we read, “mercy rejoiceth against judgment.” Love is the lingua franks with which you attract people, provided that you be honest in expressing it.
Second: The Part and the Whole
You know nothing about others except their outward appearance. You conclude the rest through anecdotes which might be flawed. Here, one would recall the story of the young man who, while riding the train with his father, used to speak merrily about trees and rain. He laughed like a child. So much so that some people thought he was mentally retarded, and asked his father to take him to a doctor. Yet, to their surprise, the father told them they had just left the hospital after his son had retrieved his eyesight which he lost immediately after his birth! Hence, the youth’s happiness for seeing trees, birds, and rain for the very first time was considered mental retardation. How cruel! Man’s essence is hidden deep in his heart. So, be kind to one another by avoiding passing harsh judgments.
Third: Goals and Potential
To understand others correctly, make sure that you are aware of their goals and potential. You cannot make out if others are right or wrong unless you are aware of these two. A person might not possess your selfsame chances and talents. He might not even have big dreams. So, better help others than criticize them. Support them; do not destroy them: for whoever edifies pulls everybody upwards and whoever demolishes pulls everybody downwards. This is how you can see others’ lives honestly. To see yours and realize its potential, you should …
General Bishop
Head of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center
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