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One sign of man’s maturity is moving forward, even if he moves slowly. Some people say that it is better to walk slowly on the right track than to take strides on the wrong path. However, at a point of time, we are pushed backward. Never despair for this. Change your feelings to energy which will propel you forward. If you are one step backward, then,
– Sit to yourself and investigate the reasons for this stop. Be honest. Do not look for false reasons. Whenever you get to know them, it will be easy to avoid or modify them next time. Being pushed backwards can be ascribed to many reasons, such as, mistakes, miscalculations, wrong plans, or deviation from your goals. Look for personal reasons first, without justifications. Thus, you can easily and quickly return to the path you have drawn. On the other hand, should you start looking for stances or others to hold them responsible for your backward thrash, you will get lost. Life is a responsibility you should bear. Be worthy of it and always correct yourself.
– When you find out the true reasons, try to modify them by making the correct decisions. Knowledge without action is barren; it would not affect your life or others’. Rather, it will be like a treasure buried by its owner. He does not use in serving himself or others. So, learn and act.
– Be vigilant and flexible in the steps you take. Modify your behavior and actions if they do not suit your goals.
– Do not waste your time in remorse and self-rebuke for past mistakes that cannot be undone. Rather, move strongly in life, having learned a new, good lesson. You still have time: for your present and future await you. Despair not; and remember that an arrow cannot be launched forward strongly unless it is pulled backward.
General Bishop
Head of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center
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