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Some people stand on the shore of life, while others go into its depth. In depth, man’s ability to swim shows itself. The more your personal potential is, the deeper you can delve and the more adept you become on solving complex problems. So, let depth be your lifestyle: for appearances are your happiness’ worst enemy.
When you delve deep into love, you can give, sacrifice, forgive whoever troubles you or tries to criticize or demolish you. Rather, you offer him help! Likewise, deep love helps you to support whoever needs you and help the troubled, believing that you are simply doing what should be done toward God’s creation that He has made and loved. Moreover, deeps love makes you understand that strength means overcoming hatred and envy.
Delving deep into thought makes you tread the path of wisdom, examining whoever and whatever you encounter, which makes you judge matters fairly, impartially, and maturely. Deep thinking teaches you patience, refraining from rashness, and listening to what others say. Moreover, deep thinking makes you learn life’s lessons and recognize the value of whatever you go through. It also helps you understand others and their needs: for you grasp the meaning of what is said and what is hidden. So, you encourage others to talk by listening attentively to them.
Another depth is that of knowledge. Do not seek the knowledge that does not edify. Rather, seek that which nourishes your life, enhances your talents, and opens new vistas before you that you might achieve success. Seek the knowledge that helps you edify others: that you might abolish the darkness that overwhelms their lives. Be a lamp that guides whoever does not know the way. In fact, none of us was created for no good reason; our presence is but a plan. We have a mission that needs toil to be accomplished, and we shall be held accountable for it. Nobody can do your mission but you. At the same time, we were not created to fight. A person who can demolish can really build, instead. Be someone who builds.
Do not stand at the shore, wasting your time in appearances. Go on and delve deep that you might achieve happiness for yourself and others and reach the great goal you were created for. Be sure that God’s hand supports whoever does his share honestly.
General Bishop
Head of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center
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