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In the previous article, we tackled forgetfulness which is a grace that God grants human beings, as they go through pain, or are smitten by evil. Thus, they forgive and forget. In effect, evil does not overcome them. Good does, making them proceed toward success. On the other hand, evil destroys whoever clings to it. This is God’s justice.
Forgetfulness becomes an obstacle when it makes man forget his mission. So, he strays, and his life ends without having accomplished his mission faithfully. Thus, his history is taken against, not for, him. How hard it will be to stand accountable before God for the days that you wasted without accomplishing your mission!
Another hard thing is to forget your promises to others, which makes them despise you. You also lose loyalty and faithfulness. Whoever forgets his promise counts his words ineffective. On the other hand, people would judge you, measuring your deeds against your words. Thus, you should heed the impact of your words and promises: for they paint your portrait and manifest your credibility before others. Never promise what you cannot deliver on.
One recalls the story of king al-No’man who arranged two days every year, one of which he called “the day of misery” when he would kill whoever he met, and the other “the day of joy” when he would reward whoever he met. It came to pass that al-No’man met a man called al-Ta’i on the day of misery; so the man knew he would die. He asked the king to give him a chance to go feed his children and command the kindly to take care of them, after which he would return to be executed. The king pitied him, but insisted not to let him go until another man guaranteed he would return lest he kill the guarantor! Al-Ta’i found none except the king’s friend, Sharik bin Uday to ask him that favor, promising to return before sunset. The man did. Sunset was at hand, but al-Ta’i did not show up. So, the king asked Sharik to get ready for death. While talking, they saw a man hurrying toward them. It was al-Ta’i. At that time, al-No’man asked him why he returned though he had a chance to escape death. “Delivering on my promise,” answered he. Here, the king stopped, then decided to discontinue the “day of misery” and gratified both of them.
Life is a series of situations that show different types of people. Days elapse and people die. Only the honest remain, even if their lives end, and … we shall continue.
General Bishop
Head of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center
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