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In the previous article, we tackled forgetfulness as an obstacle in human life. When man forgets his role and mission, as well as his promises to others, he forgets faithfulness and loyalty. Another type of forgetfulness is “forgetting good” which is the hardest of all. How hard those hearts that forget good are! How sweet the souls that remember good, despite differing with whoever gives it, are!
Indeed we might differ and leave one another. Yet, good remains in our memory. In effect, man will neither hurt nor be hurt by anybody: for people are likely to meet some day. Thus, they would find each other faithful and pure in heart.
Remembering good fills man’s heart with love and kindness and makes him positive. It increases his self-confidence, thus, making him offer good to everybody. Here a realistic story, that of Howard, pops into my mind. Howard used to sell goods to houses to pay his school fees. One day, Howard got very hungry. He had no money to buy food. So, he decided to ask one of the house owners for food.
He knocked the door and a girl opened. But, too embarrassed to ask for food, he asked for a glass of water. But, the girl brought him a big glass of milk! When he asked how much he should pay, she said, “Nothing! Our mother taught us to take nothing in return of kindness.” Howard thanked her happily and retained that act in his heart.
Years elapsed. Doctor Howard met that young lady and saved her life from a rare disease. In the hospital bill he wrote, “Fees were fully paid by a glass of milk… Dr. Howard Kelly” Doctor Howard repaid the girl’s good which had touched him home and remained in his mind until the chance came to do so. Indeed the experience he went through filled his heart with mercy for the needy and weak, and made him appreciative of all acts of kindness.
So, never forget others’ toil for you: for some people own nothing save values, principles, love, and giving. Thus, they offer you the most precious thing they have for to make you happy, successful, and strong, believing that their mission in life is supporting others quietly. Never forget others’ toil for you… we shall continue.
General Bishop
Head of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center
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