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In the previous article, we tackled how some people forget the good offered to them, and how this makes man’s heart grow cruel and merciless! On the other hand, remembering the good offered by others implants love and fraternity among human beings. Also, we said that man should not forget those who toiled for him, and that such remembrance brings about more good to a person. Here, I recall an incident that happened with Winston Churchill, the son of Randolph Churchill who was a member of the British Parliament when the former was a young man. He was about to die in accident, had it not been for a farmer who saved him. Randolph never forgot the farmer’s toil and good deed. He decided to offer his son an education. This son was Alexander Fleming who became a great physician. The result of this remembrance was Fleming’s success in inventing penicillin which saved the son’s life for a second time when he got pneumonia. So, a question pops into one’s head, “What if Randolph had ignored the farmer’s good deed?”
Yet, the worst forgetfulness in man’s life is that of God. Many times, people try to forget God, believing that this frees them from His burden. Such forgetfulness is destructive. What could happen to those who forget God? What is the impact of this on their lives?
Forgetting God makes man hard-hearted. It takes mercy off from it, as it starts with forgetting God’s commandment: love, mercy, and justice, thus, neglecting its application, even if one accepts it on the human level. Gradually, man’s nature changes according to world’s concepts that make money and power the sources of strength in life. In effect, the person’s view of people and situations changes. Also, when one forgets God, he starts seeking his rights through his own personal strength, depending on his self and knowledge, thus, down-treading the others mercilessly.
Probably, there are some people who are humane enough to help everybody. Yet, they do not know God. Even more, they deny His existence! Indeed, you might find such people. Yet, allow me to ask, “What is the source of goodness in humans’ life? Is it the universe? Or is man good by nature?” If this were true, all humans are good doers. Yet, what makes the difference? Why does evil exist? Here it is worthy to recall Einstein’s words to his master, “Evil is the outcome of what happens when man doesn’t have God’s love in his heart,” that is, when he tries to forget God’s existence.
God is the source of goodness in life. Whoever tries to do good without God does limited human deeds which collapse fast: never to outstand the obstacles of human evil. Only God can make man cling to good, granting him strength and saving him, no matter how much evil exists.
General Bishop
Head of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center
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