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They are said, “not to be measured according to time, but to effect,” and that a smile stirs them. Also, they are not easy, as they require a lot of simplicity, sincerity, and love that they might make you and others happy. These are “human relations”.
Many people wrote about human relations. Even more, theories were created and researches conducted about them, for they affect the quality of work, team harmony and achievement. However, my goal is not to tackle human relations in work realm, but in daily life: be it with the family, work, relatives, neighbors, or even those one meets every morning and does not save their names in his memory.
The nature of human relations differs. Yet, they have one point in common, “humanity” in all the senses of the word: kindness and respect, especially when differences amongst humans increase. Difference does not mean that man loses or renounces his humanity.
Moreover, we have to realize that our human relations with others are but sensitive. They are affected by our words or actions. Man sees his relations with others through his relation with himself. Thus, if his relation with himself is tumultuous, his relation with others cannot be stable. Hence, if your relation with others is unstable, then sit to yourself first, considering your nature and deeds. This might be the first step toward success with others.
Principles are the bases of human relations. Among these principles is the realization that whoever you deal with is equal to you in humanity. He has his own physical and psychological needs. He has feelings which can be hurt or elated by words and deeds. Likewise, he should be respected, as respect is a great principle in rooting good human relations. Without it, relations are annulled. Here, I recall Pope Shenouda III’s words, “Respect your addressee’s opinion, even if you’re against him.” Likewise, you should realize that he is a human being who needs care and understanding: for negligence leads to oblivion! To be continued …
General Bishop
Head of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center
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