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We resumed talking the last words of Holly Butcher that indicated the importance of man realization of the things he owns in his life. He may not feel its importance due to his getting to use to their existence.Thus life will be a heavy burden on his shoulders. Holly also asked to accept the pains of our life comparing to the hardships others face that had we been in their place, we would not have been able to go through it.
Holy speaks more about true happiness that does not vanish, saying,
“Give, give, give. It is true that you gain more happiness doing things for others than doing them for yourself.”
The fact that people experience that whoever offers good to others and seek to make them happy, he himself will meet happiness. So the more you give, the more your life becomes full of happiness. The true problem that many did not discover this fact till it is so late.The wonderful think about giving is that it looks like as if something is messing as when you give something, you imagine you lost it for the sake of others.But in fact giving brings abundant feelings of happiness, joy , satisfaction and rest of mind, more importantly, it beings you goodness and peace from God who sees your giving and rewards you more that you can realize. Hence, you will wish that you had realized this earlier so you could have given more. Holly says, “I wish I did this more.”
It is not necessarily to practice financial giving only. There is people who need love, encouragement and accepting in their life and others only need you to regard their suffering and support him not to feel that he is facing the difficulties of life on his own.
We can see this clearly in Holly’s experience. She has said that giving others love and encouragement has delighted her, and I think this has greatly helped her face her illness bravely without collapsing. She was not alone as she says, “Since I have been sick, I have met the most incredibly giving and kind people and been the receiver of the most thoughtful and loving words and support from my family, friends and strangers; More than I could I ever give in return. I will never forget this and will be forever grateful to all of these people.“
Thus, you should offer whoever you meet whatever he needs, someone needs a smile, support with an advice, or listening to his sorrows. You also can offer forgiveness and forget the insult or give your time and attention. On each day you live, ask yourself, what you offered today? What did not you offer today? You also should pray for everyone that God blesses his life and makes him happy. Hence, your life will be fully of blessings and happiness.
General Bishop
Head of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center
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