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Long ago, it was decided that the gorgeous windows of St. Peter’s Cathedral at the Vatican be imported from Spain. Yet, it happened that a small window was forgotten. As the inauguration ceremony approached, they discovered that the window was not there! The ceremony, however, could not be postponed, and everybody was terribly worried. At that time, Michelangelo heard of the issue. So, he calmed the officials down and asked them where they threw broken glass! To everybody’s surprise, Michelangelo insisted to get what he wanted and started choosing pieces of broken glass, only to make the most beautiful window in the Cathedral! The artist used pieces of glass which everybody thought should be ignored, believing it was hopeless to reuse them, and changed them to a beautiful piece of art.
Same applies to life: some people seek its gorgeous windows to look at a sequence of scenes, while others think and innovate to create these scenes. Thus, do not watch; participate! Be not a by-passer who waits for people to make the beautiful and cozy. Delve deep into life, think, and create what you want to achieve, even if you utilize useless things. You need to stop and search for the bright side which helps you be creative.
The core of life resides in man’s active participation, no matter what his potential might be. So, try to make useful things that illuminate your life and others’. Only then, you can say you did participate. Do not despair if problems occur; rather, be sure that there are certain fragments which you can use adeptly to overcome obstacles. It is said, “Without hope, life is tasteless.” Fill your life with hope which will shine through your life, and he reflected in others’, imparting significance on it.
General Bishop
Head of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center
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