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It is said, “When you forgive, you do not just change the past, but also the future.” During our life time, we encounter people and situations that teach us how to change life when our hearts are full of forgiveness which man cannot offer, unless he has enough love to overcome others’ trespasses.
Once upon a time, an old man gathered his three children. Feeling he was about to die, he wanted to distribute his wealth fairly among them. Having done so, he told them he had a precious pearl, which was what remained for him, and wanted to give it to the one who does the best deed.
The eldest son started telling his father that, while traveling, he met a rich man who loved and trusted him. The man had to leave. So, he entrusted him his money and possessions without making him sign a receipt. When he returned, the son gave him his possessions back. So, his father told him that it was a great deed. Yet, it was an act of honesty which, if lost, man would be condemned.
The second son told his father that while strolling on the beach, he saw a boy drowning and crying for help. Yet, nobody cared for him. So, he hurried to save the boy. When the by passers gathered to thank him, he left immediately, for he did so to please his conscience. The father smiled and told his son that everybody has to love humanity.
The youngest son said that while walking, he saw a sleeping shepherd. That shepherd hated him for no good reason. Yet, as he saw a fierce animal approaching him, he overcame his thoughts of leaving him (this could be God’s judgment) and shot the animal that fled instantly. The man woke up, only to see the animal running away and realize that had it not been for that person, he would have died. The man apologized, and they became friends! The son continued, saying that the greatest thing he felt at that time was peace: for he was able to overcome his detestation of the man and know the meaning of love that generates forgiveness and happiness. Here, the father hurried to offer his pearl to his youngest son, declaring his worthiness of it: for he forgave his enemy and overcame pride and revenge.
You might have read this story or witnessed a similar one. Yet, the best moral lesson we learn is that true love helps man overlook others’ mistakes, and makes him capable to forgive them. Love, therefore, supports man in building bridges of peace and reconciliation with his fellows. It is the source of light that illuminates the dark times of life when man thinks he lost the way. It is uplifting humanity toward the Cherisher of mankind.
General Bishop
Head of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center
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