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Life is full of stumbling blocks. Yet, we are responsible for the true desire to rise and resume our journey, deciding that we lost is nothing save a step in order to achieve a lot.
Life’s strength and happiness reside in man’s promptness to achieve whatever comes after stumbling and rising several times. Man’s faith in his life and potential which God has given him is the reason for his patience and ability to reach summits. It is said, “Escape is the only reason of failure. You fail if you stop trying.” So, do not flee from life’s responsibility.
I read the story of a sage who used to live with his disciples. While he was traveling, fire broke out in the house and lots of its items burnt. Yet, his disciples felt responsible for preserving their master’s house which he left in their custodianship, but they were neglectful. When the master returned untimely, he found them rebuilding the house.
So, he told them, “I think we are doing well; we’ll have a new house!” The disciples felt embarrassed and one of them told him the truth, “We were so neglectful that fire broke out and ruined most of the place.” Yet, his master answered, “I don’t know what you mean; all I see is men who have faith in life, and a will to start anew. When they lost what they had, they decided not to despair, and worked to gain something new.” Our life is like that house. It might be ruined, and we might lose things in it. Yet, we have to overcome pain and despair to make up for our loss. Even more, as the sage said, “This might be the way to win everything.”
Another story tells us about a gift presented to a king. It was two beautiful hawks. He gave them to the tamer to train them. Yet, a few months later, he came to tell the king that one of them was able to soar high in the sky, while the other would not leave the branch on which he stood! The king summoned physicians to see to the hawk. But none of them could not make him fly.
Finally, the king decided to summon a farmer. On the following morning, the hawk started to soar high above the palace gardens! The king asked the farmer how he made the hawk fly. The farmer answered, “It was quite simple; I broke the branch he was standing on. So, he soared in the sky.”
God might allow the breaking of a branch that you might soar in the sky. You will not find such strength, except within you. It is said, “A lofty man finds what he strives for within him.”
General Bishop
Head of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center
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