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As for life, we learn that there are always stations where we stop to catch our breath and look at what we have made of our journey through its paths. One of these stations is at the beginning of a new year, so we stop a little to realize: Where are our steps leading? How do we go on? Those who wish to progress in the way of life must wait to assess what they have done and decide what to do.
Start by assessing your goals that you have set for the past year, and ask yourself: Are these goals deserve that I look up to? You might want to change one of them or changes them altogether. Also: Did I have the strong will and determination on the continuity of work despite the difficulties I faced on the way? Then evaluate your steps and your efforts towards achieving these goals. In your quest to achieve your desired goals, you must realize the value of life and it is a gift to you from God, and you should not neglect it or waste it on unbeneficial matters; it is said: “Whoever dares to waste one hour of life, has not discovered it worth yet”
In your assessment, remember: Was last year for you or against you? Have you offered to those around you, or just taken? Bradley is an eight-year-old child; although he was a nice boy, one of his bad habits was that he wanted that every task should be offered for money. Everything for Bradley had a price and he refused to do any task without getting something in return. No work for free! He has not yet realized that there are many things in life without a price and he cannot buy with money.
One morning, the young boy carried a small paper with some words on it, then placed it excitedly under his mother’s dish while he was eating breakfast. When the mother came, she saw the paper, took and read it.
1. Running errand s for Mama 50
2. The price of “calmness and sweetness” of Bardley 20
3. Fees for studying music 30
4. Miscellaneous items 10
Total required of Mama is 110
The mother smiled after reading the paper, but did not comment on what the little boy wrote. At the time of his lunch, Bradley found the invoice he had written next to his food, and he was very happy, but found another bill with the following words:
Mama’s kindness toward Bradley = Nothing (Free)
Clothes, shoes and stockings for him = Nothing (free)
Taking care of Bradley during his illness = Nothing (free of charge)
Food for Bradley = Nothing (free)
Organizing Bradley’s Room = Nothing (Free)
The total required from Bradley is nothing
That is, all that is presented to him is “free.” When he read the bill, he was touched and tears filled his eyes. He urgently asked his mother to take the money she gave him and to consider his work to be motivated by love. Though this story is simple, yet it carries a deep meaning.
I wish we realize that in life we receive much gifts from people around us that is invaluable, and our role is to give others in exchange for their gifts towards us; that is what makes our lives valuable and meaningful…
Many happy returns
May you always be in good condition and at the highest peaks in the way of life on which we still are sailing in our conversation…
General Bishop
Head of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center
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