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When I was invited to attend the conference of “Promoting Peace in Muslim Societies”, I recalled what happened ages ago when man lost peace. Fear and envy entered the human heart, and the first crime was committed when a brother killed his own brother! Ever since, man has been seeking peace.
World or societal peace is no luxury. It is the basis of civilizations. Peace leads to stability which, in turn, stirs man to build and develop. Thus, man’s loftiest goal becomes refinement, not destruction. That is why Prophet David says, “seek peace and pursue it.” As such, man should not just seek peace or make it a sheer wish, but to strive for achieving it by all means.
Seeking peace is one of man’s crucial missions which cannot be accomplished by words or sloganeering, but by education and guidance which he presents through his behavior. Thus, he becomes a role model for others. The importance of striving for peace is reflected through man’s circumstances. Gandhi says, “If we want to achieve true peace in the world, we should start by educating children.” This is true. Yet, education that does not develop into a behavior avails nothing.
Achieving peace never emanates from violence. It is said, “Peace is not the result of explosions. True peace is the result of enlightening, culturing, and educating people to behave in a holy, ethical manner.” Hence, ethics and principles stemming from sublime teachings are the bases of peace. Those who were deprived of peace, whether due to wars or problems, are the ones who do appreciate it. William Shakespeare writes, “The thorns of danger sprout the flowers of peace.” Whoever lives in danger knows what peace really means. He strives for it with all his potential.
Peace is a life path. We should know that we cannot avoid treading it if we want to succeed and preserve our existence. Staying alive never depends on violence, for destruction leads to destruction and humans forgetting their humanity! Blessed, thus, are the peacemakers and whoever seeks and plays songs of peace.
General Bishop
Head of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center
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