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“Why me?” This question echoed within and shook him violently. “Why should I go through all this tribulation?” “Why is everything I do hindered?” “Why is life easy for some people and impossible for others?” Here, his attention was caught by a young man who was practicing weight-lifting. As he was trying to lift this huge weight, it fell and he failed. Yet, he kept trying! He became quite interested in the young man and the heavy weight, in an attempt to know the end of it.
Trial and error continued till the young man was eventually able to lift the weight. Though he sweated, he smiled triumphantly. Yet, the question, “Why me?” reverberated. In a moment, he recalled the young man’s picture, realizing that these are but life’s experiences.
It is said that we never realize the true value of the moments we live, except when they become memories. The value of life is not appreciated unless it is gone. We go through multitudinous situations: the easy, difficult, painful, and joyful. Some take us to the depth, while others leave us on the shore. Only time teaches us the value of what we are. Many a time do we go through painful times when we just wish time had gone; maybe we wish we had fled it. We go through many agonies. Likewise, we go through many ecstasies. However, we later realize that such situations give us strength, perseverance, and wisdom which illuminate our lives. The situations which God allows to happen, and which you have nothing to do with, are but tools that reshape your character, preparing you to carry out a mission. Someday, you will thank God for them.
If man does not realize, at many instances, the importance of whatever God makes him go through in his life, he might as well fail to appreciate the people he meets during his lifetime. Whoever you meet during your lifetime teaches you something. A sage says, “I never regret meeting anybody. Honest people made me happy; bad people gave me experience, while the worst gave me a lesson. As for the best, they never forsook me.” Here, it is worthy to point out that one should not befriend the evil in order to learn from them, for we are speaking of those who you encounter without premeditation. So, be good to everybody, even if they do not appreciate it. Remember Pope Shenouda III’s words, “Be not sad if nobody appreciates your care, for humans do not realize blessings save after they had gone.”
General Bishop
Head of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center
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