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Sages say, “You are a pen in the book of life. Write whatever you want. If it is good, then well and good; if it is evil, blame none but yourself.” Man is a story in the book of life. The incidents of this story are interwoven by his stances and decisions. All humans face challenges and pressures. They also have alternatives that vary according to their dispositions. Thus, our lives are not the same.
Many people face pain, challenges, and obstacles from an early age. Yet, each has a special way of dealing with these crises. Some surrender to their circumstances. They despair, escape, and waste their lives. Others get furious and waste their lives, too. Yet, there are people who toil patiently until they get out of the crises. So, ask yourself which type you are. When you provide a precise answer for the question, find out your true path, you will be able to change the habitual into the desirable. In fact, the first step toward change is realizing you are leading an incorrect path, and that you develop a true desire for change. Leo Tolstoy says, “Everybody wants to change the world, but nobody wants to change himself.” How enigmatic! Man believes that his fellows or circumstances are the root of his problems. Thus, he hurries to change the former or the latter according to his views, denying that he is the one who needs to modify his way of thinking. Also, he has to work in order to make his dreams come true. A wise man said, “Your status and circumstances are the outcomes of your thinking. If you want to change them, change your way of thinking.”
Change never happens in the twinkle of an eye, or through an external force, but within oneself, with perseverance and time. There is a recipe for changing oneself which Socrates gives us: “To effect change, you have to focus your abilities: not in demolishing old things, but in building new ones.” Indeed, change involves a building, not a demolition, energy. Do not waste your energy in striving to change or demolish things. Utilize it in what you want to build. This way, all harmful things will disappear.
Your life is your responsibility. Be responsible for building and boosting positive things. Be the change you want to work in this world.
General Bishop
Head of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center
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