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Several names of people who we call “great” popped into my head, such as Albert Einstein, Gandhi, Helen Keller, Thomas Addison, Marie Curie, Mother Teresa and others from the East and West. I stopped at the word “great”, the attribute which many people strive to acquire. Greatness has several aspects. To reach it, you have to go through a hard path. Do not strive to win a title, but offer others an approach which they should adopt in their lives.
A great person realizes that man’s value resides in his humanity, not money or authority. He overlooks what the naked eye sees and recognizes hidden beauty which might be concealed by poverty or weakness. Great people act differently from that man who sighed with boredom as he looked at a beggar hurrying towards him. He wondered, “Why should that lowly man chase me? It’s for money!” When the poor man approached him, he said, “Sir, here is your wallet; you have just dropped it!”
The great do not know or possess more than others. Rather, they know a great deal, but have enough values and principles to protect themselves from deviance, flimsiness, and destruction. Gandhi says, “Seven things destroy man: politics without principles, pleasure without conscience, wealth without work, knowledge without values, trade without ethics, science without humanity, and worship without sacrifice.” How horrible the souls that possess the whole world, yet lost their humanity, are! Nothing remains for man if he loses his humanity. The great link their lives with noble goals which emanate from lofty values, which makes them and others happy.
The great have kind hearts that embrace all people, reduce their pains without boredom or hesitation. It is said that, “Hatred caused many of the world’s problems, but solved none so far…” Hatred is destructive. It paints the world with somber colors, whereas love is like the sun which gives life and light.
Due to their love and wisdom, the great never deny others’ roles: for they know that their greatness stems from others’ efforts. I do like Newton’s words, “If I see beyond others, it is because I stand on giants’ shoulders.” Here, it is worthy to end the article with a wonderful phrase about truly great people, “In the presence of great people, you feel you are tiny. Yet, the truly great feel that their companions are the great ones.”
General Bishop
Head of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center
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