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Maybe not all the days that pass are great, but there is always something good about them. Yet, sometimes, when we are alone, we think that life is no longer beautiful due to the hard times we go through. However, this does not meant that life is void of good things. A life void of challenges is no life: for challenges allow man to learn and develop. They increase our abilities so we might overcome them. Thus, we grow. Also, as we overcome these challenges, we enjoy the great feelings of success and triumph, which makes us alive. Socrates maintains that without challenges, life is not worth living.
So, should man want to lead a beautiful life, he should not seek rest, but goodness. He should strive for luxury, but for helping others: for in so doing he attains true happiness. Helen Keller says, “The dignity we acquire from life emanates from believing that we were born to achieve great purposes, and that our blessings are not simply material.”
When man focuses on himself and the material aspects of life, he loses its greatest attributes. Indeed, it is God’s hand that sustains those who serve others, solve their problems, ease their pain, advise them, or reduce their suffering. Life becomes greater than it is if we strive to achieve goals larger than our egos, that we might consider our fellow humans. It is said, “Should we ever have a single life on this planet, then we shall have a single chance to live it and take part in establishing our society’s future. What remains after we depart is a good memory we leave for the people we were good to.”
When life acquires the beauty inspired by overcoming your difficulties and living to achieve great goals, you need to live according to your conscience, and with a positive outlook. Thus, you will know the meaning of true relief which many people do not. It is said that you cannot please everybody in all respects. Focus, then, on your conscience. Dedicate yourself to loving goodness, kindness, mercy, and willingness to overcome challenges and achieve great things.
General Bishop
Head of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center
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