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Silence is an art! If you are adept in silence, you will be great when you talk. These words preoccupied my mind: for our life has become full of words and letters. Everybody talks! Does anybody listen? I also wondered, “Why does man keep quiet? When is silence an art? Does silence have a voice and words? When can silence be wisdom?”
Some people think that silence stems from lack of knowledge or ignorance. Yet, matters are totally different. Some say, “My silence does not mean I do not know what is going on. Rather, it means that I am keeping aloof from gossip and empty talk.” Once, a friend of mine told me, “Sometimes I keep quiet because I know my words will change nothing.” True, change needs work, not words. However, it is worthy to mark that silence has two reasons: First, leaving out worthless matters. Second, sometimes words change nothing. Yet, at that time, a silent person has to work in order to carry out his mission. However, never make your silence a tool for hurting others. Bernard Shaw maintains, “Silence is the best way to express scorn.”
There is another reason for silence, namely, it is a better way to learn wisdom. Silence makes people good listeners and learners. Thus, the words they listen to illuminate their path and protect them from potential mistakes. They save them from danger.
Gibran Khalil Gibran speaks of silence and talking, saying, “Sometimes talking is a rest, and silence is virtue.” There are also some people who keep quiet for their minds and hearts are too big to express themselves. Someone says, “If you find someone unable to talk, then you should mark that he cannot express what is within him which is much greater than words.” Silence can sometimes be conducive to many great words. We should learn how to listen to it. Here, one would recall reposed Pope Shenouda III’s words about silence, “Sometimes, silence is more expressive and useful than words, or at least, less hurting. Silence can involve wisdom, strength, nobility, and a message.” There is a lot to say about silence…
General Bishop
Head of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center
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