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Many happy returns to our Muslim brothers in Egypt, the Middle East, and the whole world on the occasion of Greater Bairam! We beseech God to send peace and prosperity to our beloved Egypt.
In the previous article, we spoke of the reasons of silence. Man might keep quiet to think deeply or understand things better. Also, there is the strong silence as was the case with righteous Joseph. Moreover certain people prefer silence to malediction.
Silence is strength when man controls himself whenever he is aggravated. When man talks in his anger, he utters hurtful words, which leads to remorse. Aristotle spoke of man’s condition when he gets angry, saying, “Those who are furious lose all sorts of control on themselves.” Thus, when a sage said, “Talk in wrath, and you will say whatever you regret throughout your lifetime.” Hence, silence at times of anger is strength. It brings about no remorse. A poet says,
The silent are no victims of their lips,
The meek are divinely guided,
whereas the nervous are fools.
Another poet says,
Free you tongue from regrettable utterances
Hear no gossips or scandals.
Seek nothing save your own affairs.
Forsake curiosity so you live in happiness.
The most human aspect of silence is taking to consideration others’ humanity: for some words are like needles. They hurt whenever they move. How painful angry words are! Let us learn to keep quiet, instead of hurting others. God sees our deeds and judges us.
Silence also has a voice. It has its own dictionary. Even if some people consider it painful, it is the most refined way of answering most questions. Others consider it their last way to utter what the listener does not understand. A third category counts it a result of defeat and introversion.
Here are some phrases which describe silence:
– Silence is a peaceful man’s best ally
and evidence of true wisdom.
It safeguards him from tongue slips
If he cannot explain himself.
Resort then to silence,
Protecting yourself from mishaps,
and grave mistakes from lots of words.
– Silence precedes safety, whereas some words induce remorse.
– None of your members is worth imprisonment save your tongue.
– The tongue is a fierce lion if not moderated by thinking and reasoning.
However, the best of the silent is one who stops talking to people, preoccupying himself with talking to God. Not all silence is silence: for even if you do not talk before God, God hears your silence. Reposed Pope Shenouda III says, “God listens to our silence, knows its meanings and all our sufferings.”
Whether you are good at talking or silence, you should know that the best thing is choosing the most appropriate time for either: for speaking or keeping quiet at the wrong timing is like fishing in a swimming pool!
General Bishop
Head of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center
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