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In the previous article, we tackled the cruelty with which people treat one another. It is totally loathsome due to its negative impact on humans. Also, we tackled some reasons of cruelty, as well as the cruelty of words. Today, we shall tackle cruel feelings.
In like manner cruel words have a negative impact on people, cruel feelings generate pain in the human psyche. Cruel feelings might result from misconceptions or inadequate information about a person or an issue, which makes man severe in his judgments and stances. Thus, he will nurse cruel feelings for others. Yet, should these ideas be corrected, man’s cruelty is alleviated.
Some parents treat their children harshly. They are unkind, which has a negative impact on their children. In effect, they seek love and kindness in other sources, which makes them stray. Other feelings spring from hard, merciless, sinful hearts which are far from God. They hurt others exceedingly. In the Bible, we read, “A righteous man regardeth the life of his beast: but the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel.” A righteous person cares for people’s feelings. Even more, he treats animals kindly. On the other hand, an evil person is cruel even if he acts kindly!
Love and kindness are part and parcel of man’s emotional needs. In fact, man’s soul is a composite of mind, will, and feelings. When man lacks in good feelings, he becomes deviant. He grows cruel, treating others negligently and unjustly.
Whoever is hurt by cruel feelings undergoes lots of pain. So much so that one said, “Emotional injury makes time hard, life boring, and demolishes trust. I cannot imagine this life. How cruel it is! It is like an endless movie.” Man, therefore, loses confidence in himself and others. There are also people who lose the relish to live.
Let me remind whoever feels bad of the endlessness of God’s mercy. It is daily, and for everybody. Fill your life with God’s goodness. Be sure that there are kind, merciful hearts. Surmount your pain and give everybody care, so you find true happiness. Give, taking nothing in return, and you will be happy. As such, earth becomes full of goodness. It is changed to a heaven. Reposed Pope Shenouda III says, “Sow love in earth, so it becomes a heaven. Pluck love off from earth, so it becomes a grave.” Overcome your pain and offer good to everybody.
General Bishop
Head of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center
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