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Life is not monotonous; nor is it repetitive. Matters change. During his life, man undergoes several shocks which affect his heart and mind. However, humans differ in the way they react to shocks. When you are shocked, you are either destroyed, or become stronger, even invincible. The choice is yours.
When you undergo a shock, you had better sit to yourself and vent your pain in prayer. Talk to God so you might calm down and think positive. Many people are infuriated. Thus, their decisions are made at a time of psychological unbalance, which leads to wronging themselves and others. Even worse, they might hurt whoever tries to help them. So, trust God: for should He ever allow your going through tribulation, He would give you endurance. Moreover, the more we go through tribulations, the more we realize that all were for our welfare, and that we might get ready for more important missions.
Also, to overcome your pains, never think that life is always sweet with someone and bitter with another. Be wise enough to pick the advantages of pain and reject the disadvantages of happiness! Always look for the light that shines upon you through the darkness of tribulation and cruelty of people.
Moreover, have faith that your future will be prosperous: for such positive thinking does change your plans and stances, attracting you toward success. Here it is worthy to recount the following story: It came to pass that High School Scouts camped at a city. This was their first visit to the place. No sooner had they arrived, than they were taken aback by the rooms, kitchenware and so on. However, their leader took a fast tour in the hostel, then assembled the youth and spoke to them about the advantages of the place and the plans they had to implement there! Thus, a ray of light penetrated darkness. They started working diligently to carry out their plans, spending the best of times. They still remember the experience which they call, “the best of times”.
Never regret the good you do to others, even if you get cruelty in return. The good is presented to God. It is enough you are a loving person. It is enough you are a human being!
General Bishop
Head of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center
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