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Life is a route leading to eternity. Should man want to attain it, the power of love has to be ingrained in his heart: for love is the greatest creative power in life.
A man who loves his self faithfully and never deceives it sets the right goals and strives to achieve them in the correct way. Likewise, he works diligently to do so. Moreover, he develops himself to achieve more goals: that he might move toward the greatest goal, that is, extending his love to others.
When we possess the power of love, our true strength manifests itself. Addison’s love for his mother made him think and toil until he succeeded in inventing the electric lamp. Florence Nightingale’s love made her develop the nursing profession and save the lives of many patients. Love also motivated Alexander Fleming to conduct research and invent penicillin which saved the lives of many sick and injured. Love urged Jonas Salk, who invented the polio vaccine, to refuse the patent, thus losing millions of dollars, that the medicine might be available to everybody and millions of children might be saved. Many other personae had deep love for others. This made them strives to alleviate their burdens. Whenever you succeed in making another person happy, you sense true happiness. Thus, you hurry to ease the pain of whoever you meet or hear of, thus, realizing the phrase, “true love is the power capable of saving the world.”
Deep down, love means that you support the weak and understand others’ pains. You strive to guide others to the path of knowledge and know that all humans have pains and need somebody to share them. You might share with a sweet smile, listening to a person’s complaint, offering a piece of advice, or giving a missed love.
The world does miss true love that leads people to support or encourage one another. Here, I recall a story about a person who had a financial issue. One of his rich friends offered him a check without adding the sum that he might write what he needs. The person traveled and worked until he succeeded without cashing the check. He used to say, “Whenever I looked at the check, I felt loved and secured, which urged me to work and succeed.
Offer everybody love: for it is the true support that helps them expel their pains and frustrations and hurry toward success. This success makes you accomplish your greatest mission and be, “A person who has God in his heart.”
General Bishop
Head of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center
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