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At the vesper service of the the ordination of three new bishops and the enthronement of two bishops,HH Pope Tawadros II announced the inauguration of St. Mary church as a new papal headquarter and the establishment of a new diocese in Noth and South Carolina
His Holiness pointed that he will ordain a monk from outside Egypt who was born in USA
HH Pope Tawadros II and new bishops memorial photo
The moment Bishop Ermia entered St. Mary Cathedral in Zatoun at bishops ordination and enthronement vesper service.
The moment HH Pope Tawadros II and Their eminences metropolitans and bishops entered St. Mary Cathedral in Zatoun
HH Pope Tawadros II begin bishops ordination and enthronement prayers at St. Mary Cathedral in Zatoun
Metropolitan Bishoy reading diocese bishop promise to Bishop Pavlos, Bishop Boktor and Bishop Peter
Monk Ishak and monk John reading general Bishop promise in Arabic and English
New Bishops during parade inside St. Mary Cathedral in Zatoun
Enthronement of Bishop Pavlos Bishop of Greece diocese
Enthronement of Anba Boktor Bishop of El-Wadi El-Gadid
Ordination of Bishop Peter Bishop of North and South Carolina and Kentucky in USA
Ordination of monk Ishak Saint Anthony to general bishop named Bishop Ebraham
Ordination of monk John Saint Anthony to general bishop named Bishop Kirollos
HH Pope Tawadros II and their eminences bishops blessings bishops clothes
HH Pope Tawadros II speech at the enthronement of two bishops and the ordination of three bishops vesper service
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