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During these hard times and the war-like events Sinai and many areas of the Middle East are witnessing, my words failed me while writing this weekly article. Only two words were glowing in my mind War and Peace, the title that Leo Tolstoy the Russian famous writer has chosen for his most popular international and highly readable novel. Its events are taking place in the beginning of 19th century during Napoleon Bonaparte’s occupation of the Russian lands and breaking into its capital, Moscow, then his retreat due his failure in taking over it for the bravery of the Russian Caesar and the tough atmosphere of the country.
Man’s story of “War and Peace” began since ancient times when man killed his brother. Hence, the culture of killing entered man’s life savaging his humanity and his right to live life. Since then, humanity has been suffering in an endless cycle of conflict between war and peace. This conflict led to ruin the real reason of his existence and his deeply -desired happiness; as destruction and animosity caused surpassing pain in one’s heart. Anna Pavlovna’s words echo in my mind that a person won’t get better if he is suffering psychologically. Pain is the rule of war: pain due death, suffering and all the trashes of war.
War and peace are two different paths yet each one carries different signs. People who seek war, choose hatred, animosity, violence, destroying and ruining humanity; while those who choose peace would find love, goodness, growth, prosperity. These are the goals of those people who want to fulfill God’s purposes in their lives.
Why we live? Tolstoy raised this question that is thought about by many. The answer lies in man’s power of faith in the value of his life and his role to establish the principles of love and peace. Those are the principles that make life prosper and energize the energies of love and happiness to work harder and fly in the skies of creation. Thus Bible says, “Then the Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to tend and keep it“ I also recall the answer of Pope Shenouda when he was asked why do we live, he said ” You live for a mission you have toward yourself and others, to enjoy your life with God and experience his love and how He is Great. You will also test your will and to what degree it tends to do good or evil. Your life is the test that proves that you deserve to go to heaven and. You have to discover your mission and carry it out, so you become a reason for blessing to your generation. The more your mission is significant, the more glorious your life on earth and in heaven will be”
At last, I want to offer my condolences to all the families of our brave soldiers;those who defend our country and preserve its peace. We pray for the injured and for the peace of soldiers, armed forces, people of Egypt as we are used to praying for them saying ” The president, our soldiers, our ministers, our people, our gates, let peace reign over them, O King of Peace, grant us Your Peace as You grant us everything else“. God keep Egypt and protect Her from evil.
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