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Last time I tackled the issue of storms that may ruin man’s life. They included fear, lack of confidence, anger and despair. Today I will talk about “Pain”.
Pain is a feeling that prevails at everyone’s life. Its reasons, sorts are varied as well as to its degrees. But no one could ever escape it no matter how hard he tries. Sigmund Freud, Austrian neurologist, once said that we try to avoid pain more than we try to find happiness.
Pain will always be man’s first teacher. Thus when hit by its storms, don’t let them ruin your life, but rather consider them your helper to live a better life. Here are suggestions that will help you go through storms of pain,
Positive thinking:
Don’t let negative thinking control you, when you are in pain. Don’t give up to sadness or it will hinder you to get over your current stage into a better and deeper one. Always think positively and adopt positive concepts that help you pass life’s crises. Always remember the wise words that say we won’t grow up or improve without passing the passage of pain. If pain is the result of your mistake, then it will be your way to learn and gain more experiences. They say, “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”. I remembered the words of the reposed H.H Pope Shenouda that God exists, all happened for your own good and everything will come to an end.
Life is in companionship:
They say that pain doesn’t count unless you go through it on your own as life needs companionship in which we support each other. No one can live it alone; the recluses and the hermits are not even alone, they live a God-filled life. They are people who wanted to live isolated from men and live only for Christ. Thus, they always feel the presence of God in their life. While in pain, don’t shut yourself off, but be open to others. Your interactions with other people will help you realize their personal pain and they will share your pain with you and alleviate your life’s burdens. You can also talk about your sadness, it would decrease its negative effect in your life and you won’t get back to think about it.
Path of Patience:
I like a saying that goes “when life burdens you with pain, you can burden it with patience.”Patience is the path in which pain is less painful. When you walk it, you will be quieter, more reasonable and will get over your pain in less time and with more positive outlook. Patience will keep you busy from chewing on your pain and help you discover your hidden abilities and use it. You will improve your life and grow more mature and experienced. Greatest people who suffered pain walked that path like: President Franklin D. Roosevelt, the visually and audibly -impaired writer: Helen keller and Dr. Taha Hussein, The Dean of Arabic Literature, who wasappointed as a Minister of Knowledge (Ministry of Education nowadays)despite his visual impair since he was young in addition to many other people. God’s gifts and talents, persistence and enthusiasm are embodied in those people who make miraculous achievements. God may allow a person to go through a trial yet send patience and all the abilities and talents needed to get over it. As for man’s role, he should trust God and rise above pain using his God-gifted talents to achieve progress.
Anba Ermiah,
General Bishop& President of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center
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