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I congratulate you on the Eastern Christmas celebrations, many happy returns. On Nativity day, the angelic words echo again saying “Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!” Birth of Jesus brought about many messages to people. The most important one is “Message of Peace” that the angels sang declaring peace on earth on the “Nativity of Jesus Christ”. As people’s life becomes more difficult and painful while the world carries burdens of distortion, disturbances, and yearns to quietness, peace and safety. Thus we ask God to keep Egypt, Middle East and the whole world safe and peaceful.
On nativity day, peace that was gifted by God to people has become a message sought by people. Absence of peace in man’s life is considered a critical problem that hinders his life. When man loses his peace, he will approach his way in fear and confusion. He won’t have the ability to work effectively due to his constant feeling that there is always something to worry about.
Peace is a gift from God-Glory be to Him- as He is the source of permanent peace. It is gifted by the Unchangeable God, thus His Peace is not affected by changeable circumstances in man’s life. A man whose faith in God is unshakeable, nothing can steal his peace. No matter how constant problems are. As he believes that he is in God’s hands that take good care of him and the more problems arise, the firmer he clings to Him. Thus, problems pass like wind that drops after awhile and let him gain more trust in God.
A person who knows how powerful his inner peace is will aspire to spread peace with other people. Jesus Christ came to earth to grant peace to man. His message was peace and love for all. He said in His sermon over the mountain,” Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.” If God is the peace Giver and Maker, then all who follow peace are following God and that will make them more responsible to transfer their message to others.
If man’s heart is full of love toward others and lives righteously and meekly, he will be a peace-maker. As the Bible says, “But the meek shall inherit the earth, and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace.” .Their life will be full of internal peace that beams like sunrays on those who pass by them during life’s journey and this way peace spreads over the earth. On the contrary, evil people are deprived of peace due to their evil deeds. They live in a constant disturbed life and fill the world with their wails.
Any person knew meaning of peace and tested it is a just person, Bible says, “The work of righteousness will be peace, and the effect of righteousness, quietness and assurance forever.” History shows us many people whose just was the reason to make peace. Justice and peace are two parallel characteristics as if justice is made, peace prevails. Nativity was the message of peace to those good people like the Shepherds and the Wise men while all those who walk in the evil way refused the message like Herod the king who sought to kill Jesus as well as Scribes and Pharisees whose life was far from goodness and righteousness.
Let our message be a message of peace to all “Pursue peace with all people”. I congratulate you all on the New Year and the Glorious Nativity day, many happy returns to all.
Anba Ermiah,
General Bishop& President of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center
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