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I received this message from a friend commenting on the article titled “Cycle of Good” that was published last week. Here are some quotes of the message “Dear Bishop…I perused you article “The Cycle of Good”. Thank you for the good message it carries that the world is in dire need for nowadays. However, don’t you think that the cycle of good that you spoke of can be cut out by the evil deeds done by those who lose their humanity? Doesn’t cutting out the cycle of good cause evil to spread? and what about the doers of good deeds? Doesn’t despair grow into their hearts?
First: I’d like to thank my dear friend and great brother who sent me this message. Indeed, good is emerged from the great human traits that God granted people while there are some people who try to get rid of them thinking that they are signs of weakness that don’t suit the pursuit of power in this world. During this conflict, they forgot that the good is connected with God, glory be to His name, as He is the creator of all that is good on the planet. All the good that man does springs from God and at the same time it is an acknowledgment of his love to God as it is said, “Doing good is the best worship we can offer God”
Moreover, the poet said, “The generous shower us with their generosity and out of their generosity we shower others too”
Thus we offer the good that God offers us, if you thorough for moments that the evil may assassinate the good, never believe it. It just tries to hinder it only. In the end there must be a sun rise out of the heart of darkness to bring new hopes and unceasing goodness granted by God as there is a time for everything under heaven according to God the Pantocrator.
As for the good doers, if they witness evil hindering their ways, they should never lose their peace and faith in the good mission of they carry in life and never stop carrying it. They should keep in mind that darkness would never resist a candle light no matter how dim it is. It will rather be dispersed by it. The same goes to the good deeds; they won’t be lost, no matter how small they are. They will rather have good results in their doers’ life. Do good whenever you are. Don’t worry; its fruits would never cease to exist no matter how hard the difficulties you will face as it is the treasure you will carry when you depart from this world.
General Bishop
Head of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center
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