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We have discussed the issue of deep interactions that one should study his behaviors and stances. Hence, he would never be moved by the difficult situations he may face; but rather tackle them according to his deep wisdom and lofty principles.
Deep empathy is truly needed in man’s life. Its absence creates imbalance and may ruins one’s life and his closed ones’ too. The world is starving for empathy as all values of love, rapport and mercy have turned into meaningless words at the present time. Resorting back to the essence of our humanity that upholds all the true values and real empathy for others is the only chance to bring the world back to life.
Losing empathy for others deprives one from enjoying a deep and meaningful life. They say, “Unsentimental words are nothing; but empty and meaningless letters written on paper. Sentiments turn the abstract words to meaningful, immortal ones.”That also applies to all the aspects of our life. Empathy should be true as people are in dire need for integrity nowadays.
Empathy proves its deepness through the situations one experiences. For instance, true love would never involve cheating or deceit as it is always patient and supportive and it puts others first all the time. When one experiences true love and empathy, he will be able to go the second mile for others. He will support the needy and help the troubled and those in pain. Forgiveness will fill his heart even for those who are trying to ruin his life!
A loving person consecrates all his good deeds for God who sows the seeds of love in his heart toward his brethrens in humanity. Hence, he would find true strength that enables him to overcome hatred and animosity, spread positivity in the world as well.
While all the noble feelings of love, mercy and empathy are shared by those who offer true love for others, they experience true happiness in their life. Mother Teresa once said
I slept and I dreamed that life is all joy.
I woke and I saw that life is all service.
I served and I saw that service is joy.
General Bishop
Head of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center
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