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In a previous article we followed talking about Al-Muizz Li-Din Allah the Fatimid and his care to be near his people and advice them in accordance to his passion for religious debates as well as the miracle of moving El-Mokattam Mountain.
However the reign of Al-Muizz Li-Din Allah did not last long in Egypt. He died in (365 AH- 975 AD) after he ruled for nearly twenty three years, of which he spent about three years in governing Egypt. Then his son Al-Aziz Billah took over.
As for the Abbasid state affairs at that time, it was very weak and disputes were too many. During the reign of Al-Muizz Li-Din Allah in Egypt, Al-Muti Li-Allah Ibn Al-Muqtadir was the Abbasid Caliph at that time.
Al-Muti Li-Allah the Caliph (334-363 AH – 946- 974 AD)
He was Abu Al-Qasim Al-Fadl Ibn Al-Muqtadir Ibn Al-Moataad, also named Al-Muti Li-Allah.
Historians mentioned about his ascension of the throne: “The Caliphate was transferred from Al-Moktafy to his cousin Al-Fadl. He took the throne and was named Al-Muti-Li-Allah. He kept being on the throne for about twenty nine years and a half. He was the Caliph until he was deposed in the midst of Zulqida in (363 AH – August 974 AD). Nothing was in his hands as power and authorities were for kings of the Bueh during his reign …”
As we previously mentioned that he got sick during his latest years accordingly he dethroned and his son Al-Fadl Abd El-Karim was his successor.
Al-Taeeh Li-Allah the Caliph (363-381 AH – 974-991 AD)
He was Abu Bakr Abdul Karim bin Mutai named also as Al-Taeeh Li-Allah. He became the Caliph after his father dethroned for his illness. The Caliph Al-Taeeh didn’t have an actual authority or a great role in governing the country -just as his predecessors- for the power; authority and control of the Bueh were on a large scale.
Nevertheless his days witnessed the division of the Bueh family, as well as the dispute aroused between them on the governance which led to the disruption of its affairs in Iraq. The actual rule in Iraq was with Izz Al-Dawla until (367 AH- 978 AD) when he was conquered by Aḍud Al-Dawla his cousin, the prince of the irrigation territory and mountains, that’s how presidency was handed over to Adud Al-Dawla who came to Iraq, ruled over it, and all its affairs were stabilized. Furthermore; he imposed his presidency on other places and was able to control both of Mosul and Gorgan.
It was mentioned about Adud Al-Dawla: “No one from the Bueh could resemble the courage of Adud Al-Dawla. He was reasonable, virtuous, of good managment, straight to the point, strong charisma, highly motivated, and insightful opinion…”
Adud Al-Dawla kept in his presidency until he died in (372 AH – 983 AD). His son Samsam Al-Dawla was his successorof whom it was mentioned that he was of a weak management to the affairs of the country as conflicts and disputes escalated during his reign. He kept ruling the country until he disputed with his brother Sharaf Al-Dawla the prince of Persia, who took over Iraq in (376 AH- 987 AD).
Sharaf Al-Dawla ruled Baghdad until he died in (379 AH- 990 AD), and his brother Bahaa Al-Dawla succeeded him. During his reign disputes spread widely whereas a massive strife happened between both Turkish and Daylamites soldiers ended up with the victory of the Turkish soldiers.
In (381 AH – 992 AD) the country affairs in Iraq were disrupted because of shortage of money. The soldiers revolted on him and made a massive uprising which led Bahaa Al-Dawla to depose Al-Taeeh the Caliph and confiscated all his money.
That was how the era of Al-Taeeh Li-Allah the Caliph ended up, which witnessed massive struggles and bloody disruptions between the Fatimids, Turks and Qarmatians. Then his cousin Abu Al-Abbas Ahmad Al-Qadir Bilah was his successor.
As for Egypt at that time as we previously mentioned was under the rule of Al-Aziz Billah the 2nd Fatimid Caliph who took over its affairs while he was twenty two years old after the death of his father.
Stories about Beautiful Egypt never end!
General Bishop
Head of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center
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