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In the previous article we talked about the rule of Al-Aziz Billah (365-386 AH- 976-996 AD) which lasted for twenty one years and a few months until he died in (386 AH- 996 AD).
Pope Abraham Ebn-Zaraa (975-979 AD)
He was the 62nd Pope of Alexandria. He witnessed two Fatimid Caliphs of the caliphate that ruled Egypt in (969-1171 AD); Al-Muizz Li-Din Allah and Al-Aziz Billah.
His ordination
It was after the death of Pope Mina the 61st in the Patriarchs of Alexandria that the bishops gathered to discuss the ordination of a Patriarch. They were discussing the matter, and they didn’t make a choice, when a very famous wealthy Syrian merchant known as Abraham the Syrian entered the meeting. He was known for his frequent visits to Egypt. He was known for his virtuous, charity, and compassion especially with widows, orphans and the poor.
When the gathered fathers saw him, they made up their minds and all voted unanimous to choose him as a Patriarch and he was ordained in 975 AD.
After he took office, he distributed all his money to the needy and to the poor. Moreover he started to live an ascetic life and service to his congregation.
Pope Abraham and Bin Mina the minister
During his papacy, a Coptic minister named “Qozman Bin Mina” was appointed as a governor on Palestine. Qozman left one hundred thousand Dinars to be held in trust until his return. In case of his death there, he recommended distributing the sum of money on the poor, the needy, churches, and monasteries.
After the news of war spread between the Fatimid and Afteikn, who took over El-Sham and Palestine, the Pope thought that Qozman was dead as no news about him came. Consequently he distributed all the money per his will. However Qozman survived from death and returned back to Egypt, then the Pope told him what he had done with his deposits which made him overwhelmed with happiness.
Pope Abraham resists bad habits
It was mentioned that Pope Abraham Ebn-Zaraa resisted bad habits spread during his papacy and succeeded in stopping them. For example he prohibited whoever took a bribe from having a church position, and also he prohibited taking slave girls. All people listened to him except for one man named Abi Al-Suror who had a high position. The Pope didn’t stop advising him with great patience and love but the man didn’t accept that, stopped meeting the Patriarch, and he ended up badly.
During the era of Pope Abraham the miracle of moving the Mountain of Mokhattam took place (mentioned in a previous article).
He took care of the architecture of churches until he died in 979 AD; after a papacy lasted for three years and six months. That was at the beginning of the rule of Al-Aziz Billah the Fatimid. Then, Pope Philotheos succeeded him.
Pope Philotheos (979-1004 AD)
He was the 63rd Patriarch of the See of St. Mark. He witnessed both of Al-Aziz Billah and Al-Hakim Bi-Amr Allah the Caliphs. After the death of Pope Abraham Ebn-Zaraa, the See of St. Mark was empty for nearly six months. Until the bishops gathered to choose a Patriarch, the name of a monk called Youhana from the monastery of Saint Macarious was mentioned, so they called for him.
When he went, they saw that he was a very old man! But then their eyes caught his disciple whose name was Philotheos. He was tall and good looking; accordingly they made him the Patriarch.
During the papacy of Pope Philotheos, Al-Muti, a very wealthy Coptic family, imposed a great power on the church to the extent that they made their approval a must on any bishop ordination!!!
As its members took money in return for church ordinations and the Pope approved. It was mentioned that the Pope ordained an archbishop for Ethiopia based on the wish of its king after a long cut off between each of Alexandria and Ethiopia churches. It was mentioned that he didn’t care for the comfort of his congregation but he cared for himself. He got sick and died after being a Patriarch for twenty four years and eight months. Pope Zacharias was his successor. As for the Abbasid rule… Stories about Beautiful Egypt never end!
General Bishop
Head of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center
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