I extend my sincere felicitations to the Egyptian leadership and people, as well as the Arab nation for the beginning of the month of Ramadan, praying for God to protect Egypt, its people and its leaders from all evil, happy many returns to all of you. Last article went on tackling Al-Malek Al-Saleh who was a tyrant, the death of Caliph Al-Fa’ez, the taking over of Al-AdedBillah his cousin, the last Fatimid caliph of Egypt, the murder of Al-Saleh and his son Ruzaik assuming the ministry of the country as his successor, where he resided for one year and a few months.
Al-Adeddesired to get rid of Ruzaik bin Saleh, so he planned for Shawar bin Mujir Al-Saadi, the governor of Upper Egypt to come and fight him, accompanying his men to Cairo; they fought until Ruzaik was defeated and murdered. It was said about this: “Shawar entered Cairo and reigned over it, destroyed the ministry buildings and the houses ofRuzaik’s sons. Minister Ruzaik disappeared until Shawar captured and killed him” . Shawar became the minister of Al-Aded.IbnKhallikan said about him: “He caused his country to be destructed” and IbnTaghri mentioned: “Shawarassumed the ministry, mistreated Al-Adedand was of bad conduct among the flock, that Egypt’s state during his ministry declined due to his corruption.” Ecclesiastical books of history mention that Al-Aded entrusted the ministry to Shawar, who burned Al-Fustat (Ancient Cairo) so that the Franks would not be able to camp there, so the fire continued to flame for days, deeply affecting the city’s residents that many of them died! As for the survivors, they were left wandering homeless after losing their homes and belongings!
As Minister Shawar’sinjustice grew violently, a man called Abu Al-AshbalDurgham bin Amerrevolted against him and mobilized the soldiers to fight him; Shawarmoved with his men to fight, Durgham defeated him, yet his eldest son was killed. It was said that the people of Cairo did not support Shawar in his fight because they hated him. Shawar fled to the Levant, seeking the help of Sultan Al-Malek Al-Adel Nur al-Din Mahmoud bin Zanki, asking for help andsoldiers, giving in return Egypt to be under Al-Malek Al-Adel’s control with Shawar being a deputy, retaining his possessions, while the rest of possessions shall go to Al-Malek Al-Adel. Al-Adel responded to the request, sent soldiers to Egypt with Prince Asad al-Din Shirkuh bin Shadi al-Turki, who accompanied his nephew, Salah al-Din bin Ayyub. Upon arriving to Egypt, several wars flared up between Shirkuh and Durgham, ending with the latter’s death after assuming ministry for nearly nine months. Shawar imposed authority over Cairo again and things settled down for him. Desiring to get rid of Shirkuh, he sent to the Franks calling them to fight Shirkuh in Egypt in return for money, wars were enraged between the two groups but ended in reconciliation, soAsad al-Din Shirkuh returned to the Levant.
Shawartyrannically ruled the country; he shed blood, oppressed and confiscated people’s properties, while Caliph Al-Adedmade no reaction! Al-Aded sought the help of King Nur Al-Din to overcomeShawar; King Nur Al-Din sent Asad Al-DinShirkuh once again to Egypt, accompanied by Salah Al-Din bin Ayyub in 562 AH (1167 AD). Shirkuh reached the mainland of Giza, westwards the Nile, and Shawar and the Franks came out to fight him, as IbnTaghri mentions: “Shawar had given the Franks money, granted themfiefs, had them settled in Cairo houses and established markets for them. The leaders of the Franks then wereMurri and IbnNirzan.” The two teams fought, and Asad al-Din defeated Shawar and the Franks and killed many, he went to Alexandria and conquered it, countering no disobedience from its people. He appointed Salah Al-Din bin Ayyub over Alexandria, Salah resided there while Asad El-Din went to Upper Egypt, conquered it and collected money there. Shawar and the Franks went out to Alexandria and besieged it for four months, fighting Salah al-Din, until news reached Asad al-Din who moved to there. Shawar returned to Cairo and corresponded with Asad El-Din until they reconciled; it was mentioned: “Shawar gave Asad al-Din a fief in Egypt and gave him money.” Asad al-Din returned to the Levant, accompanied by Salah al-Din, offering a lot of Franks and money as an apology to King Nur al-Din!
And…Stories about beautiful Egypt never end!
The General Bishop
Head of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center