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He gazed at the sky as if sending a message. One wonders if it was one of love or rebuke because of the pains he went through. His sighed as if saying, “Even if nobody knows me, it is enough that you know me, O God!” Then he smiled peacefully.
It is said that it is hard to defeat a person who was not defeated by despair. In fact, true defeat starts from the heart. The stronger man is, the more able he is to achieve success, no matter how much pain he has to endure. The true challenge lies in facing life with unshaken faith.
On the other hand, skepticism troubles the human mind with conflicts. It is said that the conflict between faith and skepticism is the most important issue in history. Skepticism can destroy man’s life and sway him from his goals and happiness: for he loses confidence in himself and others. Skepticism is the root of all pain.
Yet, confidence does not mean that man clings to one sole idea: for this hinders his progress and development. Rather, man should understand the reality. This will enable him to judge circumstances correctly. So, should he find out that what was said was the “truth”, he would forsake his stances. Should he find it deceitful and aiming at destroying his self-confidence, he would simply overlook it and resume what he was doing. It is said that the peak of confidence is keeping quiet when others scorn you: for you know who you are and who they are. Confidence is accompanied by inner strength that emanates from the true knowledge of oneself.
As for man’s confidence in others, it develops through years. It is said that confidence is like a sand castle: though hard to build, it is easy to demolish. Life is composed of stances. Sometimes, we find people strengthening and helping us overcome hindrances. On the other hand, others might push us to stumble. Thus, the first lesson you should learn is to discern who you will trust. Never trust whoever is not worth confidence. Before you engrave confidence on anybody’s wall, make sure of its strength, lest it fall on your head. Should confidence collapse, man’s mind and heart will break.
Put all your confidence in God and His wisdom. He created you, and knows you quite well. He knows your abilities, dreams, hopes, fears, patience, strength and weakness. Above all, He loves you: for He made you. He knows what your future will bring about. Thus, He works for your good. He is the Cherisher of mankind.
General Bishop
Head of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center
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