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On Tuesday, 25 April 2017, a delegation of the World Council of Churches headed by Dr. Fr. Olav Fykse Tveit, Secretary General of the Council, visited the Cathedral of St. Mark in Abbasia.
The delegation was received at the papal residence by HG Anba Daniel, Bishop of Maadi, deputy for His Holiness Pope Twadros II and HG Anba Julius, Bishop of Old Cairo churches and diocese of Services, Fr. Paul Halim, Spokesman of the Coptic Orthodox Church, Professor Gerges Saleh, Secretary-General of the Middle East Churches Council, and Barbara Soliman, Director of the Pontifical Office for Projects and Relations.
During the meeting, they discussed the challenges facing Egypt, especially terrorism, and how Egypt, with all its institutions, seeks to confront it.
They also addressed the visit of His Holiness Pope Francis as HG Anba Daniel indicated that the Pope will be received at the cathedral by HH Pope Tawadros II and will also visit St. Peter Church.
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