His Grace Bishop Ermia receives the Norwegian Ambassador to Egypt
His Grace Bishop Ermia, General Bishop and Head of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center, received on Thursday morning, 30/6/2022, Ambassador...
His Grace Bishop Ermia, General Bishop and Head of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center, received on Thursday morning, 30/6/2022, Ambassador...
I am extending felicitations to all the Egyptians on the ninth anniversary of the “June 30 Revolution,” in which all...
Last article tackled some incidents occurred during the era of Pope Ghabrial II: a severe war broke out between the...
Last article began tackling Pope Ghabrial II, the seventieth patriarch of the See of St. Mark of Alexandria, who was...
A previous article tackled Sultan Salah al-Din IbnAyyub who took over the ministry of Egypt in 564 AH (1169 AD),...
I extend felicitations to all of you today for an occasion that God has granted specifically to Egypt and the...
Last article tackled Salah al-Din taking over the ministry of Egypt, the incident of Sudan, the death of Caliph Al-Adid...
Last article tackled Minister Shawar allowing the Franks to have their knights settled in Cairo and to control its gates,...
Last article tackled Al-AdidBillah, the last Fatimid caliph of Egypt, as well as Shawar, the governor of Upper Egypt, who...
I send sincere congratulations to the Egyptian leadership and people, as well as the Arab and Islamic nations for Eid...