Beautiful Egypt 438 – «Al-Ẓafir bi-Amr Allah» – 16/2/2022
Last article tackled Caliph Al-Hafiz Li-Din Allah, the eighth caliph of the Fatimid state in Egypt, who assumed the caliphate...
Last article tackled Caliph Al-Hafiz Li-Din Allah, the eighth caliph of the Fatimid state in Egypt, who assumed the caliphate...
The previous article tackled the caliphs of the Abbasid statel; Al-Zahir bi-Amr Allah, Al-Mustansir Billah, and Al-Musta'sim Billah, the last...
The previous article tackled four of the Abbasid state caliphs: Al-Muqtafi Li Amr Allah (530-555 AH) (1136-1160 AD), then his...
العشية مزامير 65 : 4 - 5 متى 24 : 42 - 47 باكر مزامير 37 : 17,18,29 مرقس 13...
A previous article talked about the Abbasid Caliph Al-MustarshidBillah(512-529 AH) (1118-1135 AD), who witnessed the continuation of the conflict among...
Eastern Christians celebrate Epiphany, which is also called the Feast of Theophania, Epiphany, which means the Divine Apparition, the Feast...
“I begin my words with wishing you a Merry Christmas. I wish it would be a beautiful year for all...
Happy New Year 2022 and merry Christmas to all of you, I wish you all would enjoy goodness, peace and...
I felicitate you all with the New Year and the Nativity which the Eastern Christians celebrate today, pleading for God...
I am pleased to felicitate you all with the beginning of 2022 and the Nativity which the Eastern Christians celebrate...